(Contact - 07706 097531)
Air conditioning machine repairs and servicing, for over 19 years, within the UK by a professional independent air conditioning engineer formally from Uniparts air conditioning division (Mobile Air).
Most makes of machine are serviced and repaired across most of England and Wales, see the Service Area
Prices guide for servicing OR repairs -
£220 within approx 20 miles of Cheltenham
£269 up to approx 100 miles from Cheltenham
Service after a repair (while on site) the cost is reduced to £200
For twin gas machines add £40, due to extra filters and calibration.
We do not sell machines - It is in our interest to repair yours
We will not remove the unit from site - this can lead to fabricated repair costs.
If a repair is not viable the charge is reduced to a fixed call out charge of £50 - £80 depending on distance.
To check availability and discuss your requirements please call Tony Gallie on 07706 097531. The website is only occasionally attended during the peak season.